May, 2017 Australia Customer Came to Purchase Tinstone Concentration Equipment. Before come to visit, this Australia customer already did some researches and confirmed the final concentration process with Hongji Engineer.
The tinstone will adopt flotation-gravity combined concentration process. Raw material crusher to 200mm, then goes to first stage grinding till 60-65% of 200mesh. Flotation including one stage rough flotation, two stage cleaning and one stage concentration flotation. When separate the Tin, copper and sulfur concentrate also has been separated. The tailing after sulfur concentration goes to gravity concentration, by two stage shaking table and cleaning. Then after sulfur cleaned, the tin can be concentrated.
1. Washing and Desliming
2. Crushing and screening
3. Primary separation
4. Flotation
5. Gravity concentration
Service support:
- 48-hour idling test machine before leaving the factory.
- You can take the materials to the factory test machine.
- We will customize the solution according to your needs.